miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 3: Horses and Duck

A) About horses: What are the 5 most common pathologies of horses? COLIC: The word colic literally describes abdominal pain. In the horse, this can be quite dramatic and distressful, for many species-specific reasons. It can arise most commonly from impaction of ingesta or from accumulation and entrapment of gas (impaction colic, spasmodic colic, gassy colic). These types will usually resolve, especially with the help of first-aid homeopathic remedies, like Nux vomica or Colocynth (homeopathy). Bach Rescue Remedy may also be helpful. While awaiting the vet, these medicines should be given and may resolve the case prior to his or her arrival. LAMINITIS: Laminitis is a formidable disease and it appears that, once affected, ponies become more susceptible thereafter. Treatment of these cases using conventional NSAID drugs can relieve pain (which might be very welcome) but one has to be aware that this can be at the cost of suppression of healing mechanisms and responses. NSAIDs certainly do nothing beneficial for the disease itself. They may also impede homeopathic responses to an extent. However, if a patient is on NSAID treatment at the time we become involved, we do not suggest stopping it unless of course it is failing to help the pain. AZOTURIA: Azoturia is an acute condition in which by-products of working metabolism accumulate in muscles, during exercise, reaching levels that cause the muscles to go into sudden and very painful spasm. The unfortunate horse becomes ‘planted’, appearing totally unable to move. The condition is predisposed by dietary factors and by inappropriate exercise patterns. DERMATITIS OR SKIN PROBLEMS: We are called to attend a great many different skin problems, varying from urticarial reactions to sores and scabs. The huge majority of these stem from an immune problem, possibly from conventional vaccination, since so many start within three months of a vaccine injection. Aggravating causes may be fly bites, reaction to bedding, unsuitable diets, buttercups in the pasture etc. Skin problems represent a real constitutional problem, with a need for expert homeopathic prescribing, according to the individual signs shown and the patient's constitution. Remedies that have proved useful in many cases are: Antimonium crudum, Apis, Arsenicum, Bacillinum, Graphites, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mezereum, Natrum muriaticum, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur, Thuja, Tuberculinum and Urtica. INFLUENZA: Equine Influenza is a viral disease, which appears to be specific to equine animals (i.e. it is not known to cross the 'species barrier'). It is much-feared, giving rise to compulsory vaccination regimes for various forms of sporting competition and for some yards. It is highly infectious but, usually, not too severe. British Dressage dropped the requirement for its competitions, without any apparent welfare cost. Homeopathic constitutional prescribing will usually help a horse to throw off the infection and prevent the worst symptoms from developing. There is a vaccine available, commonly considered compulsory. In common with all forms of conventional vaccination, there are dangers associated with the administration. Some horses react locally, with very painful and inflamed muscles or abscess. Some react more systemically, becoming ill. Others can become chronically ill or have an underlying health problem exacerbated. There is a homeopathic nosode to offer protection to those horses for whom vaccination is considered unsuitable or is not wanted. It is however without full proof of efficacy. The nosode does not satisfy legal or sporting regulations. Conventional vaccinations should not be given to horses suffering an illness, especially if there is an immune component to that illness (this is in fact an exclusion on the Data Sheet of vaccine products).
B) Choose one of these farm animals: duck, cow or rabbit. http://www.botanical-online.com/animales/pato.htm I like this web site because in this I can find much information about ducks. I found how is the duck, origin of domestic duck, profits of domestic duck, the food, reproduction of duck, races of duck. The web site is very good.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

A Country I would like to visit

The country that I would like to know is Norwegian. I like to live in a country where summer enjoyable, not exceeding 20 degrees and the night is longer than day. I like the cold weather and cold Norwegian climate is generally one-third of Norway lies in glacial areas. The other thing I love about this country is its history with the Viking era. I also like black metal bands that are created in Norwegian and Norwegian bands that I like are Burzum (my favorite band), Emperor, Borknagar, Arcturus, Dimmu Borgir, Gorgoroth, Immortal, Isengard, Ulver. I find that is a great country to live, I would like to work there a while and if I get used to being away from the family, stay and live. While there, I would go to the mountains and climbing, know every corner of the country. And the best part is that it could go to metal festivals in this country and all are made in Europe, they're the best festivals in my opinion.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2

This photo i like because this Monkey is very cute and sympathetic,I would like to hug to him. I like his nose and his eyes.He has innocent face.
I love this photo, i love the beach and watching the sunset is the best!, in this photo the Turtles are stranded to procreate. The wave-washed beaches they favor the procreate. In this video's page says: "How does a mongoose stand up to a cobra? You might be surprised at the outcome". And I was really surprised, I thought the cobra mongoose manages to beat, but became his dinner of mongoose. This video is very interesting, teaches us about the Zombie Snails, they not are alive, parasites control their brains and movements. This is very bad because the parasites are dangerous for the animals and plants.

What`s your opinion?


When i was a child I dreamed of working the land and live on it, grow food, make my own bread, my clothes, living in a forest near a mountain and a river, build my house with the trunks of trees, living far from town. Always bothered me to no noise pollution in Santiago. What made me decide to be a veterinarian was the love of animals. See the dogs in the street suffering and going needs. I thought I could help them by being a veterinarian. About my university experience, I like the life I lead as a student, the race is beautiful and I like many of the classes I have. I like to work in a laboratory conducting research of diseases, parasites and apoptotic cells. For so, give them a better quality of life to animals.

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

A beautiful Picture...

The cousin of my friend Coni took this picture in the winter this year. i don`t remember her name. The day before this photo, i remember my friend Coni and i phoned to get together for a while. But, she didn`t answer the phone, her cousin answered me and she talked to me and told me that she was ready to have her baby. As it was dark,i went to the clinic the next day. I mentioned all friends of Coni that the baby had been born. Coni is very special and never tells us of important events, if she is sick or something happened we never know, we always have to call her and be lucky that she answers. Ja Ja Ja.... This day i met Laurita, the daughter of one of my best friends. This was in mid July for the winter holidays. This pic i like because we both look very beautiful and because this day is the first day of life of little Laurita.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

My favorite Piece of Technology

My favorite piece of technology is the mp3 player.The first one I had was when I was in school, I can not remember what year but I remember he used AAA batteries, and had little memory to store. The mp3 player is simple to use, with a usb input music is transferred from the computer on, and load connected by usb. I use it every day, when I walk down the street especially. It's my favorite technological object because I can listen to music anywhere and is small and easy to move. If there were no MP3 players, I would walk with a cassette or CD player, listen to the same music. Or maybe, with a small radio. I love my mp3 because he is the best boyfriend in my life.